- 状态:更新第17集
- 类型:泰剧在线观看
- 主演:邦沙敦·西宾达,南思睿
- 年代:2017 / 加拿大 / 外语
- 导演:New Siwaj Sawatmaneekul
- 国家/地区:加拿大
- 集数:
- 语言/字幕:英语
- 年代:2017
- 更新时间:2024-10-23 22:55
- 影视/评论:当前有0条评论,
- 简介:Thirty years ago, Korn and ..Thirty years ago, Korn and Intouch were university students in Bangkok. Intouch entered Korn's life despite knowing that he was a son of one of the most influential people in Bangkok, the mafia. At first, Korn kept pushing Intouch away, but in the end, he couldn't resist the boy who was so full of life where he was the exact opposite and decided to let him into his heart. However, in a time where homosexuality was unacceptable and having parents that were against their relationship and each other, Korn and In's love was bound to be doomed. Midst the chaos, while Intouch kept on fighting for their future, Korn could not deal with all the suffering his lover was facing and decided to give up. That day, two sounds of gunshot rang through the air. Their story ended with tragedy, but something had already tied itself between them, bounding them together even after they were dead. Years later, a freshly returned to Thailand, Parm (19) who is a freshman in T- University has grown up always feeling like he is waiting for someone. Being riddled with sad dreams that always left him waking up with a wet face, fear of loud noises, and a birthmark on his temple, the boy has always felt like there is someone he is missing. Dean (21), the third year swimming club's president at T- University has also spent his life searching for someone whose faces he can not remember. The red thread of fate that had tied them together in their past life once again pulls the two boys back to each other, tieing them to each other and a past that might not be worth remembering, but a love that is unforgettable. Because the red thread that binds the two hearts together will always lead one back to the other. Even though it might tangle or stretch, but it will never break. Adapted from the novel "The Red Thread" by LazySheep.详情
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托德.派纳彭.凯桑 / 廷纳功·普瓦萨迪翁
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Sonya Saranphat Pedersen,Lookmhee Punyapat Wangpongsathaporn,Bonz Nadol Lamprasert,帕塔拉菲尔·万洛普西里,尊戈·基达坎·查塔卡威奈,阿帕斯莉·妮缇布恩
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斯拉潘·瓦塔纳金达,萍潘·查莱库珀,Focus Jirakul,朋抔·里拉塔纳卡邹,潘普·斯棠,阿提瓦·萨尼翁,纳塔帕·宁吉拉瓦,素查达·彭帕塔娜苏,普拉瓦特·曼努普拉塞特,安·希里亚姆·帕克迪杜姆朗格瑞特,农吉拉,拉维雅楠·塔格,卡诺查·姆亚丹,莎高彩·朋莎瓦德,唐·杰克里特·阿马拉特,纳查特·佳塔潘,吉迪鹏·普洛帕拉达朋,娜彩亚·蒙尼米特,缇查雅·布迪塔坤甘,皮查雅·提帕拉,苏帕甘·鹏哲拉
Thirty years ago, Korn and Intouch were university students in Bangkok. Intouch entered Korn's life despite knowing that he was a son of one of the most influential people in Bangkok, the mafia. At first, Korn kept pushing Intouch away, but in the end, he couldn't resist the boy who was so full of life where he was the exact opposite and decided to let him into his heart. However, in a time where homosexuality was unacceptable and having parents that were against their relationship and each other, Korn and In's love was bound to be doomed. Midst the chaos, while Intouch kept on fighting for their future, Korn could not deal with all the suffering his lover was facing and decided to give up. That day, two sounds of gunshot rang through the air. Their story ended with tragedy, but something had already tied itself between them, bounding them together even after they were dead. Years later, a freshly returned to Thailand, Parm (19) who is a freshman in T- University has grown up always feeling like he is waiting for someone. Being riddled with sad dreams that always left him waking up with a wet face, fear of loud noises, and a birthmark on his temple, the boy has always felt like there is someone he is missing. Dean (21), the third year swimming club's president at T- University has also spent his life searching for someone whose faces he can not remember. The red thread of fate that had tied them together in their past life once again pulls the two boys back to each other, tieing them to each other and a past that might not be worth remembering, but a love that is unforgettable. Because the red thread that binds the two hearts together will always lead one back to the other. Even though it might tangle or stretch, but it will never break. Adapted from the novel "The Red Thread" by LazySheep.
2024 / 其他
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